ESCADA is a portable and flexible database replication system that accommodates multiple reliability, performance, and applicability tradeoffs: Target scenarios range from shared-nothing clusters to remote sites for disaster prevention. Currently supported database management systems include Apache Derby, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.
The open source ESCADA Replication Server provides a full range of database replication options across a multiple database management systems, in a single inter-operable and evolutive package. Target application scenarios include:
- Asynchronous master-slave replication, the no-frills industry standard approach.
- Consistent multi-master/update everywhere replication for scalable and high performance shared-nothing clusters.
- Zero data-loss inter-cluster replication over WAN for mission critical applications and disaster recovery.
Check the quick start page for a self-contained distribution and demonstration using Apache Derby.
To learn more, visit the technology overview and the GORDA mailing list.
For further documentation, developer information, support, and complete source code please visit the SourceForge.net project pages.
Status & Roadmap
ESCADA Replication Server has been publicly available since mid-2006 and is distributed under the GPLv3 open source/free software license. Current release 0.5 is alpha software, including only replication of DML statements and simple master/slave and multi-master protocols.
Post-0.5 releases during 1Q 2008 will include an inter-cluster protocol (WICE) and optimized high-performance clustering (ACARA).
ESCADA is developed at the Computer Science and Technology Center, University of Minho, within project GORDA - Open Replication of Databases, funded by the European 6th Framework Programme - Information Society and Media Technologies (Contract no: 004758).